The COVID pandemic provides both limits and great opportunities. We may be stuck at home, but everyone is going digital!

This week I finished the online Cru training on Core Doctrine. The last module was on the Great Commission, the command of Jesus to go to all the nations and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

Then, this morning, I received an email with some good training resources about how to tell others about Jesus. And I had to share them with you. So many of us feel nervous, afraid of rejection, awkwardness, and/or seriously offending someone. I know I still do.

But we are talking about the eternal destiny of people: family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, . . . even enemies. Will they spend eternity with God or without Him? That is serious. Enough to make me want to share my faith despite my reservations.

So I urge you to connect to this community: This website can not only give you training, tools and resources, but answer questions, suggest ways to start conversations, and encourage you to share your faith in God and Jesus Christ with those around you and around the world.


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